
Representatives from Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT), particularly from the Public Information, Publication and Data Protection Office (PIPDPO) and Gender and Development Office, visited the Main Campus on 13 July 2021.

The purpose of the visit was to benchmark on the University鈥檚 best practices in managing the printing office and other income-generating projects under the business affairs, and in mainstreaming gender and development.

Dr. Hernando D. Robles, Dir. Lina C. Abogadie of the Business Affairs, Dr. Susan G. Tan together with Ms. Raecel Estebat, of the GAD Resource Center entertained the questions from the visitors.

Visitors from ASCOT include Ms. Raiza Kate L. Ico and Diana Rose P. De Mesa from PIPDPO, Ms. Malou C. Angara, Mr. Jeffrey G. Susada, Ms. Jomer B. Mangawang, and Ms. Yasmin Grace D. Baltazar from GAD.